Other Accessories

Ever have that sinking feeling that you've forgotten something? You don't have to get ready if you stay ready – browse our wide selection of other outdoor equipment accessories and other outdoor gear and safety essentials from Mountain Designs to fill the gaps on your adventure gear list. You never know what might come in handy so make sure you’re kitted up with the little things that just might make the difference between adventure and misadventure.

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What types of outdoor accessories are available?

The Mountain Designs mission is to equip every type of adventurer with quality clothing and outdoor equipment. To complement your usual gear list, we stock camping accessories, hiking accessories, travel accessories, climbing accessories and other outdoor gear accessories to help enhance comfort, safety and of course, performance.

What are the must-have hiking accessories?

There is certain hiking gear that you should always pack before hitting the trails. Whether on a day hike or getting out for an overnighter, you should consider hiking poles for additional support and stability underfoot, water bottles or hydration packs to ensure you stay hydrated, a headlamp or torch for lighting up dark locations or when night falls, and some sort of knife or multi-purpose tool. Other essential outdoor equipment accessories for hiking could include a compass or smart watch for navigating, a carabiner or two for hanging small items, a pocket trowel for when nature calls, a small towel for washing or swimming, and a first aid kit for safety.

What accessories are essential for climbers?

Climbing is an activity where it pays to be prepared. You don't want to be hanging from a rock face before you realise you need some essential climbing accessories. Some of the key items you might want on your climbing gear list - aside from a climbing helmet, climbing shoes, and a harness - include ropes, a carabiner (or several), quickdraws, protection equipment (such as cams for active protection, and stoppers and hexes for passive equipment), belay/rappel devices, ascenders, runners, chalk and chalk bags.

What accessories do you need in extreme weather conditions?

An adventure into extreme weather conditions should always be planned thoroughly in advance. It would be a silly move to just head off without considering what equipment you need to ensure you stay not only comfortable, but safe and protected. Some recommended outdoor equipment accessories would be a smart watch or handheld GPS device, waterproof and windproof gloves, eyewear, a first aid kit, a rescue blanket, some waterproof matches or a lighter, and a light or headlamp.

What can you use to keep bugs away when camping?

Dealing with creepy crawlies is part and parcel with outdoor adventure. It doesn't matter where you're heading or what activity you're pursuing, you are almost certainly going to encounter some animals, insects and other critters. When you're camping there are a couple of simple and effective ways to manage bugs:

Bug Spray/Insect Repellent - This is a good start for personal protection, and is pretty self-explanatory. Spray the repellent on your body and your clothing, but make sure it is waterproof so that it doesn't wash off from perspiration or in waterways such as creeks.

Clothing - For a basic shield layer, have a long sleeve shirt or top available, and full-leg pants. In addition, you could wear a mosquito head net. Some clothing has anti-mosquito or anti-insect treatments applied to the fabric surface so look out for these styles too.

Camping Gear - Mosquito coils or citronella candles can be set up around your campsite to help keep mozzies away. When it's lights out, use an insect net to create a barrier while you sleep and for full screening, keep your tent doors shut. If you need some air flow make sure your tent has a mesh inner fly so you can open the doors while still being zipped up fully.

Campsite Location - Pick a dry campsite on high ground because mosquitoes love still, low-lying water. Steer clear of ponds, swamps or dams.

Campfires/Lighting - If you're camping you'll probably have a campfire built anyway, but remember that this is also an effective way to fend off bugs and insects, as most of them don't like fire or smoke. Be careful with your campsite lighting though - a lantern or lamp may attract bugs so position them away from your sleeping area.

How can you keep clean while hiking and camping?

Personal hygiene is a little harder to manage when you're in the great outdoors, especially when compared to a well-appointed bathroom. But it is still something you need to stay on top of to ensure comfort and well-being. There are a variety of camping accessories that you should consider for your gear list, including:

Soap - For obvious reasons. Make sure it is biodegradable and compostable, and if you're hiking or camping for a long time and have good access to water, choose a concentrated formula for longer-lasting use. Ideally get a multi-purpose wash that is safe for your own skin as well as pots, pans, clothes or any outdoor gear.

Towel - A small towel can be used after showering and swimming, or to wipe away perspiration.

Trowel/Shovel - A pocket trowel or pocket shovel will help you maintain your 'outdoor ethics' when nature calls.

Shower/Bucket - A pocket shower or folding bucket is a good way to bathe when you don't have access to flowing water. Obviously, you will need a reasonable amount of water to start with but these devices typically hold anywhere up to 10 litres, which is more than enough to get you a decent rinse.

Clothes Line - If you've washed your clothes and have some time on your hands, a clothes line will ensure they dry properly before you pack them back into your bag. Even if you haven't cleaned them, a clothes line can be used to freshen them up in the open air.



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